Weblog Projects: since 2006 BlogCasting Weblog Projects: / / RSS FEED mixer-project-2007/ Students Weblogs and comments Privacy protection with PINs tag=classblog myasuda - my.land.to /treebbs/tree.php?n=470 Ħ. Past Projects: Video Narrative Project Video Narration – Student’s audio in Final Project Student audio in MP3-shrt Local: audio file Web site: VoiceBlog site Past Presentations: PPT in SWF () Local Flash swf file: KG030507.swf Server: Drive HQ published folder bbs100106-s.htmlĥ. Past and Current Project: Email Grading E-mail work Video - Separate video output (OHC) Audio Recording 1) Yahoo site 認証必要 2) Mirror site (infoseek): some years with index onlyĤ. Learners' uses of two types of written feedback on a L2 writing revision task, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 29(1), pp 67-100. Feedback in second language writing: Contexts and issues. New directions in contrastive rhetoric, TESOL Quarterly, 36(4), pp. Controversies in second language writing. Product debate Assessment Feedback and error correction Casanave, Christine Pearson. Introduction - L2 writing Dichotomies/Dilemmas Fluency and accuracy Contrastive rhetoric debate Process vs. Possibilities of Web 2.0 Technology in Teaching EFL Writing: Use of Groupware, Weblog and BlogCasting YASUDA, Masami, Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Myasudakwansei.ac.jp WorldCALL 2008 Fukuoka International Congress Center, and Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan 5-8 August, 2008 Aug.7, 2008 WorldCALL 2008 Fukuoka Intern’l Congress Center, Fukuoka, JAPAN.